Wallet Stats & Wallet Stats Hist
Wallet Stats
We track all wallets in the space and show statistics on them from a 24H and All Time time period. We allow the user to search either by wallet address for their wallet.
Function: getWalletStats
Condition Inputs:
[Optional] searchAddress
Type: String
Description: Single wallet address if you want to search for a single user
[Optional] includeUserRank
Type: Boolean
Description: Flag to include the rank of the user or person you are searching for
[Required] timePeriod
Type: TimePeriodEnum
Description: Time period
Values: "ALL" or "ONE_DAY"
Order By
[Optional] orderBy
Type: OrderConfig
Allowed Values:
Pagination Input:
[Optional] paginationInfo
Type: PaginationConfig
Description: Pagination Params
The following are the fields returned by this call.
Example Usage
Reference Usage
Get Overall Wallet Stats
Returns the largest seller, buyer, and highest sale in the last 24 hours. Each field returned is a wallet_stat type that make up the rows in the wallet stats table (described above).
Reference Usage
Wallet Stat Hist
For a single user we can fetch their # of owned NFTs and portfolio value (Sum of floors, if we have them). This API is a bit spotty in terms of accuracy so please use at your own discretion
Function: getWalletStatsHist
Condition Inputs:
[Required] searchAddress
Type: String
Description: Single wallet address if you want to search for a single user
[Optional] dayLookback
Type: Day_Lookback_Enum
Default Value: "SEVEN_DAY"
Description: Time period to look back
Example Usage
Reference Usage
Last updated